
Crowdmatching for public goods

Solving the free-riding problem in funding free/libre/open projects

We support works that everyone can use, adapt, and share freely.

But as public goods, anyone can freeride. And that presents a dilemma in getting funded.

Our innovative platform brings people together to address this problem.

Here is how :

Combining the two most effective solutions for getting voluntary donations to public goods

In a single pledge, crowdmatching combines the two most effective solutions for getting voluntary donations to public goods:

  1. matching donations where patrons agree to give together and
  2. sustaining memberships which provide reliable, long-term salaries and accountability.

How it works

Every patron matches every other. Projects receive their donations monthly.

As a patron you set your monthly limit. Never will you pay more than that amount.

Each patron’s donations grow linearly

The donation from any one patron increases linearly with the crowd size.

Funding grows quadratically with more patrons

A linear increase in number of patrons multiplied by a linear increase in each patron’s donation means a quadratic increase in total donations.

A system rooted in game theory

The name comes from a premise in game theory. The Snowdrift Dilemma (or Snowdrift Game) focuses on freeriding and public goods.

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